2017 Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage
20-23 November at Burnie Tasmania
Leading edge practice across resource cycles
The 9th Australian Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (AMD) workshop was presented by the Sustainable Minerals Institute at The University of Queensland. The workshop, associated short course and site visit, provided excellent opportunities to share with speakers and delegates, unbiased expertise and advocacy with respect to the causes, management and amelioration of the impacts of AMD and Acid Sulfate Soils.
Workshop Chair
Dr Mansour Edraki
Senior Research Fellow - Life Cycles of Mines and Metals Program
Workshop Committee
Bruce Barrie The University of Queensland |
Tania Laurencont Department of Mines and Energy, |
Emeritus Professor Clive Bell The University of Queensland |
Alan Robertson Founder and Principal Geochemist, |
Mike Fawcett Department of Mines and Energy, |
Peter Scott O'Kane Consultants |
Andrew Garvie Principal Consultant (Geoenvironmental) |
Emeritus Professor Roger Smart School of Natural and Built Environment, |
David Jones Principal |
Jeff Taylor Director - Senior Principal Environmental Geochemist |
List of Abstracts Submitted for 9th Triennial AMD Workshop (a total of 54 abstracts have been received)
No. |
Authors |
Affiliation |
Paper or Poster Title |
1 |
D. Allen, M. North , S. Black, B. Price and N. Rothnie |
Using Chromium Reducible Sulfur to Predict AMD |
6 |
A. Baisley, M. O’Kane, and S. Pearce |
Are You Doing All You Could to Optimise your Closure Alternatives? |
18 |
S. Black, B. Price, N. Rothnie, R. Sharma, R. Marton and D. Allen |
Validation of Sequential Leaching Tests to Predict Potential Impacts of Low Sulfur Iron Ore Waste on Surface and Groundwater Quality |
52 |
N. Bourgeot, J. Taylor, A. Sampaklis, N. Staheyeff, S. Pape, E. Hardjo, and M. Quiatol |
Controlling Acid and Metalliferous Drainage from Decommissioned Underground Mines |
35 |
J. Chapman, J. Jones, K. Mandaran, B. Luinstra and Hendry |
Development of a NAF/PAF grade control programme for placement of a WRD cover |
20 |
H. Christenson, J. Pope, D. Craw, Justin Johns, D. Trumm, N. Newman |
Arsenic geochemistry in the Macraes Mine tailings dam |
22 |
D. Cohen, Q. Chen, M. Andersen, A. Robertson D. Jones and B. Kelly |
Application of alkaline coal seam gas waters to remediate AMD from historical sulfide ore mining operations |
32 |
R. Cornelius, A. Parbhakar-Fox and D.R Cooke |
Geoenvironmental characterisation tools for the coreshed during early life-of-mine assessments |
5 |
Samuel Costin |
Treatment of acid rock drainage including removal of contaminants from a site |
2 |
L. Desaunoy and D. Kirste |
Investigating the Geochemistry of Selenium in the Residual from Biological Wastewater Treatment at a Coal Mine |
14 |
P. Ferguson, C. Wels, D. Jones, and T. Laurencont |
Rehabilitation planning at the former Rum Jungle mine site in northern Australia Part 2. Environmental Performance Assessment for the Preferred Rehabilitation Scenario |
54 |
P. Ferguson, C. Wels, A. Trapp, N. Pesonen |
Predicted (Post-Closure) Contaminant Loads and Water Quality Conditions in Myra Creek, Nyrstar Myra Falls (Canada) |
30 |
A. Garvie and D. Kentwell |
The Influence of Sample Numbers and Distribution on the Assessment of AMD potential |
15 |
W. Germs, G. Race, R. Green, R. Marton |
Developing Pilbara Pit Lake Analogues to Inform Closure Considerations |
31 |
S. Gilmour, A. Parbhakar-Fox, L. Jackson, D.R. Cooke |
Geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of a tailings-rich sediment bank, King River, Tasmania |
21 |
R. Green, C. Mather, C. Kleiber, S. Lee, M.Lund M.Blanchette |
Waste not, want not – Using waste hay to improve pit lake water quality |
36 |
A. Hendry, B. Luinstra, J. Jones, K. Mandaran and J. Chapman |
The practicalities and implementation of a NAF/NAP grade control programme for placement of a WRD cover |
43 |
L. Jackson, A. Parbhakar-Fox, N. Fox, DR. Cooke, AC. Harris and E. Savinova |
Intrinsic Neutralisation Potential from Automated Drillcore Logging for Improved Geoenvironmental Domaining |
13 |
D. Jones, P. Ferguson, and T. Laurencont |
Rehabilitation planning at the former Rum Jungle mine site in northern Australia |
26 |
A. Kemp and T. Laurencont |
Setting the Benchmark: Re-building Rum Jungle waste rock dumps to mitigate existing and limit long-term AMD risk and environmental liability |
49 |
M. Landers, B. Usher, and P. Marianelli |
Classification of Waste Rock for McArthur River Mine, Northern Territory |
11 |
C. Linklater, A Watson, A Hendry, J Chapman, J. Crosbie and P. Defferrard |
Pit lake water quality modelling at Century Mine |
45 |
Z. Liu, C. Huang, L. Ma and KA. Morin |
Observations and Explanations from the Monitoring Data of Equity Silver Mine, Canada |
47 |
Z. Liu, C. Huang, L. Ma, E. Dy and Z. Xie |
Experimental Models of Metal Leaching for Scaling-Up to the Field |
27 |
R. McLaine, A. Parbhakar-Fox, N. Fox, M. Reid |
Determining bioaccessibility risks at the historic Aberfoyle tailings site, Northeast Tasmania: opportunities for effective rehabilitation |
34 |
B. Mooney, B. Paull, T. Lewis, A. Parbhakar-Fox |
Physicochemical Properties of Iron Oxides Opportunities for useful AMD products? |
7 |
M. O’Kane, P. Weber, M. McKeown, Dave Christensen, Seth Mueller, Belinda Bird |
Forecasting long term water quality after closure: Boliden Aitik Cu mine |
4 |
Omy T. Ogbughalu, Andrea R. Gerson, Gujie Qian, Roger St. C. Smart, Russell C. Schumann, Nobuyuki Kawashima, Rong Fan, Jun Li and Michael D. Short |
The link between microbial diversity and AMD prevention at-source |
28 |
A. Parbhakar-Fox, J. Glen, D. Kemp |
Extraction of cobalt from historic sulphide tailings using bioleaching |
29 |
A. Parbhakar-Fox and R. Clifton and N. Fox |
Evaluating applications of bed and fly ash for controlling acid and metalliferous drainage- examples from Tasmanian mine wastes |
33 |
A. Parbhakar-Fox, T. Lewis P. Hamill, A. Wakefield, R Botrill and J. Parnell |
Geoenvironmental characterisation of the abandoned Scotia Mine, north east Tasmania: implications for management practices |
8 |
J. Pearce, S. Pearce, and R. Marton |
Why variable oxidation rates are needed for the prediction of AMD from dynamic waste rock dumps |
24 |
S. Pearce , M. Barteaux and J. Pearce |
Gas flux and the linkage with predicting AMD loads in waste rock dumps, and designing practical engineering solutions – field based case studies |
9 |
A. Robertson, G. Maddocks and M. Landers |
Geochemical characterisation of mine wastes: does it matter? |
17 |
T. Rohde, K. Hardie and N Jamson |
Creating opportunities: improved rehabilitation outcomes through smart cover design at Endeavor Mine, NSW |
10 |
D.A. Salmon |
Guidelines developed for planning opencast coal mine final void closure and relinquishment |
3 |
M.G. Sephton and J.A. Webb |
Portland Cement Applications to control acid mine drainage generation from waste rocks |
25 |
A. Sexton, A. Butler, J Chapman and T Anderson |
An Integrated Approach to Closure of Landforms Containing Potentially Acid Forming Waste Rock in North-West Queensland |
38 |
A. Sexton and M. Edraki |
Optimisation of Site Hydro-Geochemical Data for Optimum Closure of a Tailings Storage Facility |
39 |
G. Southam |
Bacteria-Mineral Interactions at Sulphide Mineral Surfaces |
12 |
R. Strand, J. Tuff and B. Usher |
Hydrogeochemical modelling approaches for the dynamic nature of mine sites |
51 |
J. Taylor, S. Winchester, M. Tyler, K. Ehrig, J. Waters and F. Beavis |
Converting Chemistry to Mineralogy for Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Risk Management |
53 |
J. Taylor, S. Pape, N. Murphy, N. Bourgeot, and E. Hardjo |
Kinetic Testwork for Mine Planning, Metal Recovery, Environmental and OH&S Management and Mine Closure |
44 |
Y. Tian, R. Strand, G. Wang, J. Tuff and B. Usher |
Water Quality Predictions Under Highly Variable Moisture and Temperature: A Case Study on the Importance of Thermodynamics |
48 |
B. Usher, M. Landers, and P. Marianelli |
Multiple Kinetic Testing Methods to Understand the Geochemistry of Waste at McArthur River Mine, Northern Territory |
46 |
D. Villa Gomez, H. Hoffman, A. Kerr, B. Ryan, M. Peces, and G. Southam |
Integrated Leaching/Bioleaching and Sulphate Reducing Processes for Metal Recovery and Treatment of Mine Tailings |
50 |
G. Wang and B. Usher |
Three-Dimensional Unsaturated Flow and Heat Modelling for Mine Waste Facilities |
23 |
AP. Ware and R. T. Watkins |
The Role of AMD in Pilbara Iron Ore: mobilisation and fate of trace elements during surface and groundwater flow |
16 |
A Watson, C Linklater, J Chapman and R Marton |
Weathered sulfidic waste laboratory-scale tests for assessing water quality in backfilled pits |
42 |
P. Weber, J. Pearce, W. Olds, K. Malloch, and H. Christenson |
Setting AMD Treatment Objectives |
40 |
DJ. Williams |
Rehabilitation Options for Potentially Contaminating Coal Tailings Stored in Pits |
41 |
DJ. Williams and C. Zhang |
Instrumented Column Testing of Potentially Contaminating Tailings Under Field Climatic Conditions |
37 |
GW. Wilson, B. Wickland and B. Weeks |
Designing Tailings and Waste Rock Systems for Chemical and Physical Stability |
19 |
Yan Zhou, Michael D. Short, Jun Li, Russell C. Schumann, Roger St.C. Smart,Andrea R. Gerson and Gujie Qian |
The formation of aluminate-doped surface passivating layer on pyrite for effective acid and metalliferous drainage control |
Leading edge practice across resource cycles
The program for the 9th Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Workshop will include plenary discussions, keynote presentations, and technical presentations. The preliminary program is given below, it may be subject to change.
The workshop will be held at the Burnie Arts & Function Centre, Burnie, Tasmania, from Monday November 20 to Thursday November 23, 2017.
Prior to the workshop, on Sunday November 19, 2017, a short course on the Fundamentals of Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (AMD) and An Introduction to INAP's Global Cover System Design Technical Guidance Document will be offered.
Sunday November 19, 2017 - Optional Short Courses
(2 courses held in parallel)
A. The Fundamentals of Acid and Metalliferous Drainage [parallel session]
Short Course Program
8.15am Short Course Registration
8.30am Welcome and Introduction
9.00am Short Course Session 1
10.15am Morning Tea
10.30am Short Course Session 2
12.00pm Lunch
12.45pm Short Course Session 3
3.15pm Afternoon Tea
3.30pm Short Course Session 4
5pm End of Short Course
5.30pm Welcome Event, Burnie Arts & Function Centre Art Gallery
Monday November 20, 2017 - Workshop Day 1:
Environmental cycles, water balance and mineral/water interactions
8.00am Workshop Registration
8.30am Welcome and Introduction (SMI, Local Government, INAP)
9.00am Industry perspectives [plenary]
10.00am Morning Tea
SESSION 2 - Forecasting AMD - from laboratory to mine site
10.30am Keynote Presentation [plenary]
10.50am Technical Presentations and Discussions [plenary]
12.10pm Lunch
1.15pm – Two Parallel Sessions:
A. Monitoring, assessment and prediction [parallel session]
B. Prevention and control [parallel session]
3.15pm Afternoon Tea
SESSION 4 - Monitoring, assessment and prediction
3.30pm Keynote Presentation [plenary]
4.00pm Technical Presentations and Discussions [plenary]
5.00pm End of Workshop Day 1
5.45pm Buses depart Burnie Arts & Function Centre for Workshop Dinner
6.30pm Workshop Dinner, Pier01 Restaurant, Ulverstone
Tuesday November 21, 2017 - Workshop Day 2:
Project life cycle, mine closure and rehabilitation
8.20am Welcome and Program Updates
8.30am INAP report and Industry perspective [plenary]
9.15am Technical Presentations and Discussions [plenary]
10.00am Morning Tea
SESSION 2 - Advancements in closure
10.30am Keynote Presentation [plenary]
10.50am Technical Presentations and Discussions [plenary]
12.10pm Lunch
1.15pm – Two Parallel Sessions:
A. Final voids and pit lakes [parallel session]
B. Remediation and treatment [parallel session]
3.15pm Afternoon Tea
3.30pm Case Study: Rum Jungle [plenary]
4.00pm Technical Presentations and Discussions [plenary]
5.00pm End of Workshop Day 2
Wednesday November 22, 2017 - Field Trip
8.30am Meet at Burnie Arts & Function Centre
9.00am Buses depart for MMG Rosebery, and abandoned Mines
12.30pm Lunch at MMG Roseberry
5.00pm Buses return to Burnie Arts & Function Centre
While on site, delegates are required to have: water bottle, strong closed-in shoes, long pants and long sleeved shirt. A hat and sunscreen is recommended.
Thursday November 23, 2017 - Workshop Day 3:
Resources cycles; extracting value from waste and reducing liabilities
8.20am Welcome and Program Updates
SESSION 1 - Bacteria-mineral interactions
8.30am Keynote Presentation: [plenary]
9.00am Technical Presentations and Discussions [plenary]
10.00am Morning Tea
10.30am – Two Parallel Sessions:
A. Assessment and prediction [parallel session]
B. Geo-environmental approaches [parallel session]
12.10pm Lunch
1.15pm Panel discussion