List of Abstracts Submitted for 9th Triennial AMD Workshop (a total of 54 abstracts have been received)





Paper or Poster Title


D. Allen, M. North , S. Black, B. Price and N. Rothnie

  • MBS Environmental, 4 Cook Street, West Perth, WA, 6005
  • ChemCentre, Resources and Chemistry Precinct, Manning Road, Bentley, WA, 6102

Using Chromium Reducible Sulfur to Predict AMD


A. Baisley, M. O’Kane, and S. Pearce

  • O'Kane Consultants, 200-1121 Centre Street NW Calgary, Alberta Canada T2E7K6

Are You Doing All You Could to Optimise your Closure Alternatives?


S. Black, B. Price, N. Rothnie, R. Sharma, R. Marton and D. Allen

  • ChemCentre, Resources and Chemistry Precinct, Bentley, WA,
  • BHP Billiton Minerals Australia, Perth, WA,
  • MBS Environment, 4 Cook Street, West Perth, WA

Validation of Sequential Leaching Tests to Predict Potential Impacts of Low Sulfur Iron Ore Waste on Surface and Groundwater Quality


N. Bourgeot, J. Taylor, A. Sampaklis, N. Staheyeff, S. Pape, E. Hardjo, and M. Quiatol

  • Earth Systems, Hawthorn VIC,
  • NSW Department of Planning and Environment, Maitland NSW

Controlling Acid and Metalliferous Drainage from Decommissioned Underground Mines


J. Chapman, J. Jones, K. Mandaran, B. Luinstra and Hendry

  • SRK Consulting (Australasia) Ltd Pty, Brisbane,
  • Mount Isa Mines, Mount Isa

Development of a NAF/PAF grade control programme for placement of a WRD cover


H. Christenson, J. Pope, D. Craw, Justin Johns, D. Trumm, N. Newman

  • CRL Energy Ltd, 97 Nazareth Ave, Christchurch, New Zealand,
  • Geology Department, University of Otago, 360 Leith Street, Dunedin, New Zealand,
  • Oceana Gold Ltd, Macraes, Otago 9483, New Zealand

Arsenic geochemistry in the Macraes Mine tailings dam


D. Cohen, Q. Chen, M. Andersen, A. Robertson D. Jones and B. Kelly

  • School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales,
  • School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Connected Waters Initiative Research Centre, University of New South Wales,
  • RGS Environmental Pty Ltd,
  • DR Jones Environmental Excellence, 5Santos GLNG

Application of alkaline coal seam gas waters to remediate AMD from historical sulfide ore mining operations


R. Cornelius, A. Parbhakar-Fox and D.R Cooke

  • ARC Industrial Hub for Transforming the Mining Value Chain (TMVC), University of Tasmania,
  • ARC Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits (CODES), University of Tasmania

Geoenvironmental characterisation tools for the coreshed during early life-of-mine assessments


Samuel Costin

  • Global Aquatica

Treatment of acid rock drainage including removal of contaminants from a site


L. Desaunoy and D. Kirste

  • Simon Fraser University – Department of Earth Science, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Investigating the Geochemistry of Selenium in the Residual from Biological Wastewater Treatment at a Coal Mine


P. Ferguson, C. Wels, D. Jones, and T. Laurencont

  • Robertson GeoConsultants Inc.,
  • DR Jones Environmental Excellence,
  • Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Resources 

Rehabilitation planning at the former Rum Jungle mine site in northern Australia Part 2. Environmental Performance Assessment for the Preferred Rehabilitation Scenario


P. Ferguson, C. Wels, A. Trapp, N. Pesonen

  • Robertson GeoConsultants Inc., Vancouver, Canada.
  • Nyrstar Myra Falls, Campbell River, Canada.

Predicted (Post-Closure) Contaminant Loads and Water Quality Conditions in Myra Creek, Nyrstar Myra Falls (Canada)


A. Garvie and D. Kentwell

  • SRK Consulting (Australasia) Melbourne,
  • SRK Consulting (Australasia) Sydney

The Influence of Sample Numbers and Distribution on the Assessment of AMD potential


W. Germs, G. Race, R. Green, R. Marton

  • ERM, Sydney,
  • ERM, Melbourne,
  • Rio Tinto, Perth,
  • BHP Billiton, Perth

Developing Pilbara Pit Lake Analogues to Inform Closure Considerations


S. Gilmour, A. Parbhakar-Fox, L. Jackson, D.R. Cooke

  • ARC Industrial Hub for Transforming the Mining Value Chain (TMVC), University of Tasmania,
  • ARC Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits (CODES), University of Tasmania

Geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of a tailings-rich sediment bank, King River, Tasmania


R. Green, C. Mather, C. Kleiber, S. Lee, M.Lund M.Blanchette

  • Rio Tinto Iron Ore, 152-156 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000,
  • Mine Water and Environment Research Centre (Miwer), Edith Cowan University, 270 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup, WA 6027

Waste not, want not – Using waste hay to improve pit lake water quality


A. Hendry, B. Luinstra, J. Jones, K. Mandaran and J. Chapman

  • SRK Consulting (Australasia) Ltd Pty, Perth,
  • Mount Isa Mines, Mount Isa

The practicalities and implementation of a NAF/NAP grade control programme for placement of a WRD cover


L. Jackson, A. Parbhakar-Fox, N. Fox, DR. Cooke, AC. Harris and E. Savinova

  • Transforming the Mining Value Chain, ARC Industrial Transformation Hub, University of Tasmania,
  • Discipline of Earth Sciences, University of Tasmania,
  • Newcrest Mining Ltd, Melbourne,
  • Corescan Pty Ltd, Ascot WA

Intrinsic Neutralisation Potential from Automated Drillcore Logging for Improved Geoenvironmental Domaining


D. Jones, P. Ferguson, and T. Laurencont

  • DR Jones Environmental Excellence,
  • Robertson GeoConsultants Inc.,
  • Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Resources 

Rehabilitation planning at the former Rum Jungle mine site in northern Australia
Part 1. Physical and Geochemical Characteristics of Mine Wastes and Inferred Source Terms


A. Kemp and T. Laurencont

  • O’Kane Consultants Pty. Ltd,
  • Department of Primary Industry and Resources, Northern Territory

Setting the Benchmark: Re-building Rum Jungle waste rock dumps to mitigate existing and limit long-term AMD risk and environmental liability


M. Landers, B. Usher, and P. Marianelli

  • RGS Environmental Pty Ltd, Sunnybank Hills, QLD,
  • Klohn Crippen Berger, South Brisbane,
  • Glencore McArthur River Mine Pty Ltd, Brisbane

Classification of Waste Rock for McArthur River Mine, Northern Territory


C. Linklater, A Watson, A Hendry, J Chapman, J. Crosbie and P. Defferrard

  • SRK Consulting (Australasia) Pty Ltd,
  • MMG Limited,
  • Century Mining Limited

Pit lake water quality modelling at Century Mine


Z. Liu, C. Huang, L. Ma and KA. Morin

  • National Research Council Canada,
  • Minesite Drainage Assessment Group, Surrey BC, Canada

Observations and Explanations from the Monitoring Data of Equity Silver Mine, Canada


Z. Liu, C. Huang, L. Ma, E. Dy and Z. Xie

  • National Research Council Canada

Experimental Models of Metal Leaching for Scaling-Up to the Field


R. McLaine, A. Parbhakar-Fox, N. Fox, M. Reid

  • ARC Industrial Hub for Transforming the Mining Value Chain (TMVC), University of Tasmania,
  • Co-operative Research Centre for Optimising Resource Extraction (CRC ORE), University of Tasmania,
  • Mineral Resources Tasmania

Determining bioaccessibility risks at the historic Aberfoyle tailings site, Northeast Tasmania: opportunities for effective rehabilitation


B. Mooney, B. Paull, T. Lewis, A. Parbhakar-Fox

  • Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS), University of Tasmania,
  • School of Physical Sciences (Chemistry), University of Tasmania,
  • Industrial Hub for Transforming the Mining Value Chain (TMVC), University of Tasmania

Physicochemical Properties of Iron Oxides Opportunities for useful AMD products?


M. O’Kane, P. Weber, M. McKeown, Dave Christensen, Seth Mueller, Belinda Bird

  • O’Kane Consultants Inc.,  Calgary, Canada,
  • O’Kane Consultants (NZ) Ltd.,  Canterbury, New Zealand
  • O’Kane Consultants Inc., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Boliden Mineral AB. SE 936 81, Boliden, Sweden
  • New South Wales Minerals Council

Forecasting long term water quality after closure: Boliden Aitik Cu mine


Omy T. Ogbughalu, Andrea R. Gerson, Gujie Qian, Roger St. C. Smart, Russell C. Schumann, Nobuyuki Kawashima, Rong Fan, Jun Li and Michael D. Short

  • School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia
  • Blue Minerals Consultancy, Middleton, SA 5213, Australia
  • Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia
  • Levay and Co. Environmental Services, Edinburgh, SA

The link between microbial diversity and AMD prevention at-source


A. Parbhakar-Fox, J. Glen, D. Kemp

  • ARC Industrial Hub for Transforming the Mining Value Chain (TMVC), University of Tasmania,
  • ALS Metallurgical Laboratories, ALS Global

Extraction of cobalt from historic sulphide tailings using bioleaching


A. Parbhakar-Fox and R. Clifton and N. Fox

  • ARC Industrial Hub for Transforming the Mining Value Chain (TMVC), University of Tasmania,

Evaluating applications of bed and fly ash for controlling acid and metalliferous drainage- examples from Tasmanian mine wastes


A. Parbhakar-Fox, T. Lewis P. Hamill, A. Wakefield, R Botrill and J. Parnell

  • ARC Industrial Hub for Transforming the Mining Value Chain (TMVC), University of Tasmania,
  • Discipline of Chemistry, School of Physical Sciences, University of Tasmania,
  • Mineral Resources Tasmania

Geoenvironmental characterisation of the abandoned Scotia Mine, north east Tasmania: implications for management practices


J. Pearce, S. Pearce, and R. Marton

  • O’Kane Consultants
  • BHP Billiton Iron Ore

Why variable oxidation rates are needed for the prediction of AMD from dynamic waste rock dumps


S. Pearce , M. Barteaux and J. Pearce

  • O’Kane Consultants

Gas flux and the linkage with predicting AMD loads in waste rock dumps, and designing practical engineering solutions – field based case studies


A. Robertson, G. Maddocks and M. Landers

  • RGS Environmental Pty Ltd, PO Box 3091, Sunnybank South, QLD 4109

Geochemical characterisation of mine wastes: does it matter?


T. Rohde, K. Hardie and N Jamson

  • EMM Consulting Pty Limited, Brisbane,
  • Endeavor Operations Pty Ltd

Creating opportunities: improved rehabilitation outcomes through smart cover design at Endeavor Mine, NSW


D.A. Salmon

  • Amanzi Consulting

Guidelines developed for planning opencast coal mine final void closure and relinquishment


M.G. Sephton and J.A. Webb

  • Environmental Geosciences, La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC 3073

Portland Cement Applications to control acid mine drainage generation from waste rocks


A. Sexton, A. Butler, J Chapman and T Anderson

  • Ernest Henry Mine (Glencore Copper Assets), Cloncurry, QLD,
  • NRA Environmental Consultants, Cairns, QLD, CSRK Consulting, Brisbane, QLD

An Integrated Approach to Closure of Landforms Containing Potentially Acid Forming Waste Rock in North-West Queensland


A. Sexton and M. Edraki

  • Ernest Henry Mine, Cloncurry, Australia,
  • Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, SMI

Optimisation of Site  Hydro-Geochemical Data for Optimum Closure of a Tailings Storage Facility


G. Southam

  • School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland

Bacteria-Mineral Interactions at Sulphide Mineral Surfaces


R. Strand, J. Tuff and B. Usher

  • Klohn Crippen Berger, Level 5 Peel street South Brisbane

Hydrogeochemical modelling approaches for the dynamic nature of mine sites


J. Taylor, S. Winchester, M. Tyler, K. Ehrig, J. Waters and F. Beavis

  • Earth Systems, Hawthorn VIC,
  • GHD, Sydney,
  • BHP Billiton Olympic Dam, Adelaide

Converting Chemistry to Mineralogy for Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Risk Management


J. Taylor, S. Pape, N. Murphy, N. Bourgeot, and E. Hardjo

  • Earth Systems, Hawthorn VIC

Kinetic Testwork for Mine Planning, Metal Recovery, Environmental and OH&S Management and Mine Closure


Y. Tian, R. Strand, G. Wang, J. Tuff and B. Usher

  • Klohn Crippen Berger, South Brisbane

Water Quality Predictions Under Highly Variable Moisture and Temperature: A Case Study on the Importance of Thermodynamics


B. Usher, M. Landers, and P. Marianelli

  • Klohn Crippen Berger, South Brisbane,
  • RGS Environmental Pty Ltd, Sunnybank Hills, QLD,
  • Glencore McArthur River Mine Pty Ltd, Brisbane

Multiple Kinetic Testing Methods to Understand the Geochemistry of Waste at McArthur River Mine, Northern Territory


D. Villa Gomez, H. Hoffman, A. Kerr, B. Ryan, M. Peces, and G. Southam

  • School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland,
  • School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland

Integrated Leaching/Bioleaching and Sulphate Reducing Processes for Metal Recovery and Treatment of Mine Tailings


G. Wang and B. Usher

  • Klohn Crippen Berger, South Brisbane

Three-Dimensional Unsaturated Flow and Heat Modelling for Mine Waste Facilities


AP. Ware and R. T. Watkins

  • University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia,
  • Environmental Geochemistry Services, Bibra Lake, Australia

The Role of AMD in Pilbara Iron Ore: mobilisation and fate of trace elements during surface and groundwater flow


A Watson, C Linklater, J Chapman and R Marton

  • SRK Consulting (Australasia) Pty Ltd,
  • BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd

Weathered sulfidic waste laboratory-scale tests for assessing water quality in backfilled pits


P. Weber, J. Pearce, W. Olds, K. Malloch, and H. Christenson

  • O’Kane Consultants (NZ) Ltd, Canterbury, NZ,
  • O’Kane Consultants Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia,
  • CRL Energy Ltd, Christchurch, NZ

Setting AMD Treatment Objectives


DJ. Williams

  • The University of Queensland

Rehabilitation Options for Potentially Contaminating Coal Tailings Stored in Pits


DJ. Williams and C. Zhang

  • The University of Queensland

Instrumented Column Testing of Potentially Contaminating Tailings Under Field Climatic Conditions


GW. Wilson, B. Wickland and B. Weeks

  • Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta,
  • Golder Associates, Vancouver

Designing Tailings and Waste Rock Systems for Chemical and Physical Stability


Yan Zhou, Michael D. Short, Jun Li, Russell C. Schumann, Roger St.C. Smart,Andrea R. Gerson and Gujie Qian

  • Natural and Built Environments Research Centre, School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia,
  • Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia,
  • Levay & Co. Environmental Services, Edinburgh, SA 5111,
  • Blue Minerals Consultancy, Middleton, SA 5213, Australia

The formation of aluminate-doped surface passivating layer on pyrite for effective acid and metalliferous drainage control