Abstracts 2017
List of Abstracts Submitted for 9th Triennial AMD Workshop (a total of 54 abstracts have been received)
No. |
Authors |
Affiliation |
Paper or Poster Title |
1 |
D. Allen, M. North , S. Black, B. Price and N. Rothnie |
Using Chromium Reducible Sulfur to Predict AMD |
6 |
A. Baisley, M. O’Kane, and S. Pearce |
Are You Doing All You Could to Optimise your Closure Alternatives? |
18 |
S. Black, B. Price, N. Rothnie, R. Sharma, R. Marton and D. Allen |
Validation of Sequential Leaching Tests to Predict Potential Impacts of Low Sulfur Iron Ore Waste on Surface and Groundwater Quality |
52 |
N. Bourgeot, J. Taylor, A. Sampaklis, N. Staheyeff, S. Pape, E. Hardjo, and M. Quiatol |
Controlling Acid and Metalliferous Drainage from Decommissioned Underground Mines |
35 |
J. Chapman, J. Jones, K. Mandaran, B. Luinstra and Hendry |
Development of a NAF/PAF grade control programme for placement of a WRD cover |
20 |
H. Christenson, J. Pope, D. Craw, Justin Johns, D. Trumm, N. Newman |
Arsenic geochemistry in the Macraes Mine tailings dam |
22 |
D. Cohen, Q. Chen, M. Andersen, A. Robertson D. Jones and B. Kelly |
Application of alkaline coal seam gas waters to remediate AMD from historical sulfide ore mining operations |
32 |
R. Cornelius, A. Parbhakar-Fox and D.R Cooke |
Geoenvironmental characterisation tools for the coreshed during early life-of-mine assessments |
5 |
Samuel Costin |
Treatment of acid rock drainage including removal of contaminants from a site |
2 |
L. Desaunoy and D. Kirste |
Investigating the Geochemistry of Selenium in the Residual from Biological Wastewater Treatment at a Coal Mine |
14 |
P. Ferguson, C. Wels, D. Jones, and T. Laurencont |
Rehabilitation planning at the former Rum Jungle mine site in northern Australia Part 2. Environmental Performance Assessment for the Preferred Rehabilitation Scenario |
54 |
P. Ferguson, C. Wels, A. Trapp, N. Pesonen |
Predicted (Post-Closure) Contaminant Loads and Water Quality Conditions in Myra Creek, Nyrstar Myra Falls (Canada) |
30 |
A. Garvie and D. Kentwell |
The Influence of Sample Numbers and Distribution on the Assessment of AMD potential |
15 |
W. Germs, G. Race, R. Green, R. Marton |
Developing Pilbara Pit Lake Analogues to Inform Closure Considerations |
31 |
S. Gilmour, A. Parbhakar-Fox, L. Jackson, D.R. Cooke |
Geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of a tailings-rich sediment bank, King River, Tasmania |
21 |
R. Green, C. Mather, C. Kleiber, S. Lee, M.Lund M.Blanchette |
Waste not, want not – Using waste hay to improve pit lake water quality |
36 |
A. Hendry, B. Luinstra, J. Jones, K. Mandaran and J. Chapman |
The practicalities and implementation of a NAF/NAP grade control programme for placement of a WRD cover |
43 |
L. Jackson, A. Parbhakar-Fox, N. Fox, DR. Cooke, AC. Harris and E. Savinova |
Intrinsic Neutralisation Potential from Automated Drillcore Logging for Improved Geoenvironmental Domaining |
13 |
D. Jones, P. Ferguson, and T. Laurencont |
Rehabilitation planning at the former Rum Jungle mine site in northern Australia |
26 |
A. Kemp and T. Laurencont |
Setting the Benchmark: Re-building Rum Jungle waste rock dumps to mitigate existing and limit long-term AMD risk and environmental liability |
49 |
M. Landers, B. Usher, and P. Marianelli |
Classification of Waste Rock for McArthur River Mine, Northern Territory |
11 |
C. Linklater, A Watson, A Hendry, J Chapman, J. Crosbie and P. Defferrard |
Pit lake water quality modelling at Century Mine |
45 |
Z. Liu, C. Huang, L. Ma and KA. Morin |
Observations and Explanations from the Monitoring Data of Equity Silver Mine, Canada |
47 |
Z. Liu, C. Huang, L. Ma, E. Dy and Z. Xie |
Experimental Models of Metal Leaching for Scaling-Up to the Field |
27 |
R. McLaine, A. Parbhakar-Fox, N. Fox, M. Reid |
Determining bioaccessibility risks at the historic Aberfoyle tailings site, Northeast Tasmania: opportunities for effective rehabilitation |
34 |
B. Mooney, B. Paull, T. Lewis, A. Parbhakar-Fox |
Physicochemical Properties of Iron Oxides Opportunities for useful AMD products? |
7 |
M. O’Kane, P. Weber, M. McKeown, Dave Christensen, Seth Mueller, Belinda Bird |
Forecasting long term water quality after closure: Boliden Aitik Cu mine |
4 |
Omy T. Ogbughalu, Andrea R. Gerson, Gujie Qian, Roger St. C. Smart, Russell C. Schumann, Nobuyuki Kawashima, Rong Fan, Jun Li and Michael D. Short |
The link between microbial diversity and AMD prevention at-source |
28 |
A. Parbhakar-Fox, J. Glen, D. Kemp |
Extraction of cobalt from historic sulphide tailings using bioleaching |
29 |
A. Parbhakar-Fox and R. Clifton and N. Fox |
Evaluating applications of bed and fly ash for controlling acid and metalliferous drainage- examples from Tasmanian mine wastes |
33 |
A. Parbhakar-Fox, T. Lewis P. Hamill, A. Wakefield, R Botrill and J. Parnell |
Geoenvironmental characterisation of the abandoned Scotia Mine, north east Tasmania: implications for management practices |
8 |
J. Pearce, S. Pearce, and R. Marton |
Why variable oxidation rates are needed for the prediction of AMD from dynamic waste rock dumps |
24 |
S. Pearce , M. Barteaux and J. Pearce |
Gas flux and the linkage with predicting AMD loads in waste rock dumps, and designing practical engineering solutions – field based case studies |
9 |
A. Robertson, G. Maddocks and M. Landers |
Geochemical characterisation of mine wastes: does it matter? |
17 |
T. Rohde, K. Hardie and N Jamson |
Creating opportunities: improved rehabilitation outcomes through smart cover design at Endeavor Mine, NSW |
10 |
D.A. Salmon |
Guidelines developed for planning opencast coal mine final void closure and relinquishment |
3 |
M.G. Sephton and J.A. Webb |
Portland Cement Applications to control acid mine drainage generation from waste rocks |
25 |
A. Sexton, A. Butler, J Chapman and T Anderson |
An Integrated Approach to Closure of Landforms Containing Potentially Acid Forming Waste Rock in North-West Queensland |
38 |
A. Sexton and M. Edraki |
Optimisation of Site Hydro-Geochemical Data for Optimum Closure of a Tailings Storage Facility |
39 |
G. Southam |
Bacteria-Mineral Interactions at Sulphide Mineral Surfaces |
12 |
R. Strand, J. Tuff and B. Usher |
Hydrogeochemical modelling approaches for the dynamic nature of mine sites |
51 |
J. Taylor, S. Winchester, M. Tyler, K. Ehrig, J. Waters and F. Beavis |
Converting Chemistry to Mineralogy for Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Risk Management |
53 |
J. Taylor, S. Pape, N. Murphy, N. Bourgeot, and E. Hardjo |
Kinetic Testwork for Mine Planning, Metal Recovery, Environmental and OH&S Management and Mine Closure |
44 |
Y. Tian, R. Strand, G. Wang, J. Tuff and B. Usher |
Water Quality Predictions Under Highly Variable Moisture and Temperature: A Case Study on the Importance of Thermodynamics |
48 |
B. Usher, M. Landers, and P. Marianelli |
Multiple Kinetic Testing Methods to Understand the Geochemistry of Waste at McArthur River Mine, Northern Territory |
46 |
D. Villa Gomez, H. Hoffman, A. Kerr, B. Ryan, M. Peces, and G. Southam |
Integrated Leaching/Bioleaching and Sulphate Reducing Processes for Metal Recovery and Treatment of Mine Tailings |
50 |
G. Wang and B. Usher |
Three-Dimensional Unsaturated Flow and Heat Modelling for Mine Waste Facilities |
23 |
AP. Ware and R. T. Watkins |
The Role of AMD in Pilbara Iron Ore: mobilisation and fate of trace elements during surface and groundwater flow |
16 |
A Watson, C Linklater, J Chapman and R Marton |
Weathered sulfidic waste laboratory-scale tests for assessing water quality in backfilled pits |
42 |
P. Weber, J. Pearce, W. Olds, K. Malloch, and H. Christenson |
Setting AMD Treatment Objectives |
40 |
DJ. Williams |
Rehabilitation Options for Potentially Contaminating Coal Tailings Stored in Pits |
41 |
DJ. Williams and C. Zhang |
Instrumented Column Testing of Potentially Contaminating Tailings Under Field Climatic Conditions |
37 |
GW. Wilson, B. Wickland and B. Weeks |
Designing Tailings and Waste Rock Systems for Chemical and Physical Stability |
19 |
Yan Zhou, Michael D. Short, Jun Li, Russell C. Schumann, Roger St.C. Smart,Andrea R. Gerson and Gujie Qian |
The formation of aluminate-doped surface passivating layer on pyrite for effective acid and metalliferous drainage control |