10th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage

  1. Risk Assessment and Management of Legacy Mines in NSW; P. A. McBain, K. L. Maddison, N. G. Staheyeff; New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
  2. Innovation in Characterization Studies of the Waste Rock Dumps at the Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA; I. S. Schofield, P. L. Brown, M. J. Logsdon, and M. P. Wickham; Rio Tinto
  3. Is it Possible to Make AMD Disappear? – A Case Study; A. Robertson; RGS Environmental Pty Ltd
  4. Development of Alternate ANC Methods at Ok Tedi Mine PNG; E. Kepe, J. Pile, W. Stewart, and R. Schumann; Ok Tedi Mining Limited; Environmental Geochemistry International Pty Ltd (TBC)
  1. Setting Cut Off Grades in Waste Characterisation Schemes: The Perils of Using Grade Weight Averaging to Determine AMD Risk; S. Pearce, D. Brookshaw, S. Mueller, A. Barnes, T. Komba, and C. Anderson; Mine Environment Management Ltd; Boliden Mineral AB; Geochemic Ltd
  2. Uncertainties and Challenges in the Prediction of The Functional Hydrological Properties of Covers; T. Baumgartl; Federation University
  3. Climate Change and the Assessment of Acid and Metalliferous Rock Drainage: What Are the Considerations for Our Technical Discipline; B. Forsyth; SRK Consulting (Australasia) Pty Ltd
  4. Effect of Temperature on Leaching from Pilbara Materials; C.M. Linklater, A. Watson, J Chapman, R. Green and R. Marton; SRK Consulting (Australasia) Pty Ltd; Rio Tinto Iron Ore
  5. Alkaline Leaching of Pilbara Materials; A. Watson, C. Linklater, J. Chapman, S. Lee; SRK Consulting (Australasia) Pty Ltd; Rio Tinto; BHP
  6. Case Studies to Justify Modification of the NAG Test Method on a Site Specific Basis to Suit Varied Mining Waste Characterisation Scenarios; A. Barnes, S. Pearce, M. Roberts, and D. Brookshaw; Geochemic Ltd; Mine Environment Management Ltd
  7. An Integrated Protocol for the Assessment of Mobility And Risks of Potentially Toxic Elements in Mine Tailings; D.A. Rubinos, O. Jerez, G. Forghani, M. Edraki, and U. Kelm; University of Concepcion; SMI-ICE Chile
  8. Pyrrhotite Is Not Pyrite: Consequences for Reduced AMD Assessment and Release; Andrea Gerson, Roger Smart, A. Robertson, R. Schumann, B. Osgerby, and P. Rolley; Blue Minerals Consultancy; RGS Environmental Pty Ltd; Levay and Co. Environmental Services; Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture Pty Ltd; Hillgrove Copper Mine
  9. The Application and Testing of a Time Extended Paste pH Test for Pyrrhotite in Waste Rock Sorter Trials; A. R. Gerson, R. Smart, M. Recklies and B. Osgerby; Blue Minerals Consultancy; Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture Pty Ltd
  10. Assessing the Leaching Potential of Solutes from Waste Rocks Episodically and Continuously Exposed to Saline and Hypersaline Conditions; R. Sharma, S. Black, D. Allen, B. Price, C. Burgers, and B. McGuire; ChemCentre; Consultant C/O ChemCentre; Fortescue Metals Group Ltd
  11. Rate Evaluation of the Dissolution of Secondary Sulfate Minerals for Effective Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Mitigation; G. Qian, R. Fan, M.D. Short, R.C. Schumann, J. Li, Y. Li R.St .C. Smart, and A.R. Gerson; University of South Australia; Levay & Co. Environmental Services; Wuhan University of Technology; Blue Minerals Consultancy
  12. Wallrock Acidity Contributions to Pit Lake Water Quality in The Pilbara; J.R. Taylor, Earth Systems; R. Green, Rio Tinto; R. Taplin, M. Stimpfl, L. Wan; Earth Systems; Rio Tinto Iron Ore; BHP
  13. Field Kinetic Testing Results at the Antamina Mine, Peru; W. Nash, B. Usher, J. Fourie, S. Yi Choy; Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd
  14. Residual Risk Considerations: Geochemical Interactions on Tailings Dam Stability; J. Sanders and L. Robertson; Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd
  15. Gas and Heat Modelling of a Waste Rock Dump in Order to Optimize Potential Mitigation Measures; J. Fourie, B. Usher, W. Nash, P. Marianelli; Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd
  16. Scale up leaching tests for spoil salinity predictions; M. Edraki, N. McIntyre, K. R. Jain; Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland
  17. Coal Mine Saline Drainage: A Study on Alkalinity; R. Strand; Golder Associates Pty Ltd
  18. Sulfur-Related Geochemical Processes and Water Chemistry at a South African Colliery; Á. Ódri, M. Becker, J. Amaral-Filho, J. Broadhurst, S.T.L. Harrison, M. Edraki MtM, CMR, CeBER, CMLR
  19. Characterization, Management and Mitigation of AMD for Linear Infrastructure Projects: Recent Canadian Experience; A. Fitzpatrick; Klohn Crippen Berger Australia
  20. Design Considerations for Managing AMD with Dry Stacked Filtered Tailings; W. Wilson
  21. AMD Management at Savage River; T. Ferguson; Grange Resources
  22. Building Mine Rock Stockpiles for Successful AMD Management at Closure; M. O’Kane, J. Taylor, J. Robertson, S. Pape, G. Tremblay, and B. Kelley; Earth Systems; O’Kane Consultants Pty Ltd
  23. A Calibrated Model to Predict the Performance of a Store and Release Cover for the TSF at Century Mine; T.K. Rohde, P.L. Defferrard, G.J. Greening; SGM Environmental Pty Ltd
  24. Looking Back: How Did Placing PAF Rock in this Particular Mine Rock Stockpile Not Lead To Acidic Drainage Conditions? P. Scott, M. O'Kane; O’Kane Consultants Pty Ltd
  25. Hydrological and Geochemical Lag and Effectiveness of Covers on PAF Mine Wastes; David Williams; The University of Queensland
  26. Peak Hill Gold Mine - Case Study On Final Landform Dealing With AMD; M.D. Sutherland, and D.I. Chalmers; Alkane Resources Ltd
  27. Maintaining A Social Licence to Operate Through Adaptive AMD Management; P. Weber, J. Pearce, M. Fairgray, K. R. Jain, W. Olds; Mine Waste Management Ltd
  28. Managing AMD and closure risk through the life of mine: the Ban Houayxai WRD case study; P. Bayliss, P. Garneau, W. Stewart, T. Rowles, and W. Wilson; Phu Bia Mining Limited; PanAust Limited; Environmental Geochemistry International; Environmental Geochemistry International; Knight Piésold Pty Ltd; Unsaturated Soils Engineering Ltd
  29. Development of Leading Practice Waste Grade Control AMD Classification Based on Deposit Specific Mineralisation Characterisation and Modelling; L. Henim S. Pearce; PT Agincourt Resources; Mine Environment Management Ltd
  30. Geoenvironmental Block Model for Walford Creek; L. Jackson, G. Maddocks, P. Long, S. Tear, T. Benfield; RGS Environmental Pty Ltd; H & S Consultants; Aeon Metals
  31. Integrated Processes for Contaminant Removal from Mine Drainage and Hydrometallurgical Waters; A.H. Kaksonen, S. Yan,B, G. Douglas, C. Morris, M.P. Ginige G.Y. Zheng, L.X. Zhou, and K.Y. Cheng; CSIRO Land and Water; Nanjing Agricultural University
  32. Removal of Heavy Metals from Acid and Neutral Mine Drainage VIA Ozofractionative Catalysed; D. M. Hunter; Evocra Pty Ltd
  33. Evaluating the Potential Use of Industrial Waste in the Treatment of Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Produced by Legacy Mine Sites in Tasmania; A. Moyo, A. Parbhakar-Fox, S. Meffre, and D. Cooke; University of Tasmania; Sustainable Minerals Institute
  34. Electrochemical Treatment For Targeted Recovery Of Rare Earth Elements And Yttrium From Acid Mine Drainage; D. Villa Gomez, E. Thompson Brewster, S. Freguia, M. Edraki, L. Berry, and P. Ledezma; Kinetic Group Worldwide; The University of Queensland
  35. Closure Planning Competencies and Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Improved AMD Outcomes; Jon Crosbie; MMG
  36. BHP AMD Management Standard - BHP’s Global Approach to Reducing Geochemical Risk and Minimising Closure Uncertainties; JP Pearce, T Cooper, J Heyes, and M Stimpfl, BHP
  37. Store and Release Cover Systems - Lessons Learned from Over 20 Years of Field Monitoring; S. Lamoureux and M. O'Kane; O’Kane Consultants Pty Ltd
  38. Modelling Verification of a Regional Cover Design for the Cobar Region; N.P. Jamson, T.K. Rohde; SGM Environmental Pty Limited
  39. Biogeochemical Cycling, Potential Linkages between AMD and ASS and Considerations for Long Term Water Quality Management – A Case Study from Ranger Uranium Mine; W. Gemson, M. Iles, T. Weaver, D. Windle, D. Kovacsy, and A. McLellan; ERM; ERA
  40. The Evolution of The New South Wales Legacy Mines Program; A.J. Sampaklis; NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
  41. Growth of Indigenous Bacteria from Mine Tailings: Implications for Bioleaching for Cobalt Recovery; D. Mukhopadhyay, T. Jones, A. Parbhakar-Fox, G.Southam; The University of Queensland
  42. Remediation of Acid Sulfate Sites by Flooding – Experimental Data; J.A. Webb and M. Reid;La Trobe University (TBC)
  43. Mine Pit Lakes: Characterisation of Water Quality and Geochemistry to Inform Mine Closure;Kathryn L. Linge, Silvia Black and David Allen; ChemCentre
  44. Geometallurgical characterisation of mine tailings: examples from Tasmania; A. Parbhakar-Fox, J. van Balen, L. K’ng, S. Meffre, L. Danuyshevsky; The University of Queensland, University of Tasmania

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